This weekend! Where will quasi-blog star and consummate
coat-tail rider Agent- X be partying, living large and reveling in his fame?
Not just any work...a ceremonial guest dinner!!! So it's not really work! It's non-public! SO HE HAS TO PAY 60$!!!
60 buckaroos to party with past senior officers who are now most likely spending their days going poopy in their pants and being fed by girl scouts!!!
It's an all night affair that Agent-x wouldn't miss! Which he can't...because his loyalty would be in question if he didn't attend!
So while some of the "
guys" do the same old same old of partying and hitting the hot spots...I'll be breaking trail and drinking bad wine and listening to Regimental March pasts and toasting the queen!
Which is great!
...cuz I'm Irish!!